Prizes and awards

The high quality of GRUPA INCO S.A. products means that they regularly receive awards from both consumers and industry organisations.

The Ludwik brand has received awards including Dobre bo Polskie for good Polish products, the Teraz Polska (“Poland Now”) emblem, the Consumer’s Golden Laurel, the Product of the Year mark, the European Medal, FMCG Hit, Golden Receipt, the Sales Leader title, the crystal and gold Marka Godna brand emblems, a distinction in the Pearls of the Polish Economy competition, the Commercial Hit mark, Superbrand, and the Quality Leader Consumers’ Gold Mark.

Awards won by the Florovit brand include the Teraz Polska emblem, the Złoty Hortus prize, a gold medal at the Brussels Eureka fair, and the European Medal.

GRUPA INCO S.A. has also received the title of “Employer Facilitating Safe Working”, awarded by the National Employment Inspectorate.